Saturday 15 January 2011

I'm so beautiful !

Heya !
Incredibly enough, I found myself posting on there ... again !
I'm fine tuning the CSS coding.
Which is a bit of a pain but totally worth it when it does work.
But then again, like any type of coding really ...

See thing is I need 2 edit the coding for my new blogs ... so this one is a good training.
And besides, there's a couple of things I wanted to fine tune and personalize.
So there's what I did :

- Changed the header background pic so we now know that this is "a Processing blog" ... which was, I admit, not so obvious at all at 1st glance up until now.
- Removed all the outlines, they got on my nerves; I think it's neater so.
- Did leave the pictures' outlines (2 many pictures are black and otherwise blend in with the background ... ) but edited them so they're upclose to the pictures now.
- Changed the dotted lines into plain lines, way better so, again.

And just so you know, I did not STEAL the pixel font I used in the header (I'm not like that ! ... god ! lol), I got it from this old file, which I created myself ! In fact I created it so I could use it in that thing. Yes, it is a tailor-made Pokemon Trainer Card. I am that cool.
If you don't know what a Pokemon Trainer Card, you suck. Sorry, but you can blame your parents for never buying you a GameBoy as a kid, so it ain't that bad ...

Anyways, there !
As many small details that really make a difference ! 2 my opinion anyway.
Well that's it 4 now.
Baiii !

Thursday 13 January 2011


Hello people !
Been a long time !
Been a long time indeed ...

As it turns out I think I'm a keep this blog for Uni stuff only, which does defeit the purpose of calling it "Eternal-Doubt" on the 1st place but NVM ...
Anyways, as I might let this thing die out for a while (/long long time) there's the links to the blogs I'm creating for Uni this year :

Website stuff
Flash stuff

They're inter-related as well.
I'll build from what I learned (what I can remember of it, that is) building this blog so I'll use the color scheme as a base for both those new blogs, thou I'll try to revise the label system which was a bit confusing ...

Anyways have a nice day and take care, Cya !