Wednesday 24 March 2010

week 11, Work 2 (19)

Heya !
There's the last apps !
What I did basically today is fix this app I started yesterday but that wouldn't work (was a stupidly insignificant detail, of course ... ) & then expanded it into 3 other apps, bringing the total to 4 for today for now.
After I got that lot out of the way, I moved on 2 the pixel stuff that use imported bitmaps ... but that comes l8er !

Gibberish Emulator is the basic app, it displays 99 random fonts from the SuperMegaFont database (141 usable symbols) on a 10*10 characters matrix. Random colours, too, U should try it, lots of fun :-D !
Random SuperMegaFont Click uses the same database, characters and random colour generating code BUT the stuff follows your mouse. Not what I intended 2 do but fun nevertheless lol
SuperMegaFont Console is the same as the basic app BUT like 16 of them (4*4) at once ! Andrew (tutor) suggested that, I thought Y not. So (logically) it displays 1599 characters rather than just 99. The colour generating is different, gives you a nice gradient :-). Andrew suggested that the colour of the BG B black as well. Gives it a retro/DOS feel, it's actually pretty cool :-P
And last but not least, SuperMegaFont Console Absolute is the same BUT it uses the dabases of both SuperMegaFont & SuperFont, so 222 characters in total ! Also you can change the colour of the background. I'm pretty proud of it :-D !

Controls :
Gibberish Emulator - mouse click
Random SuperMegafont Click - mouse move & click
SuperMegaFont Console - mouse click
SuperMegaFont Console Absolute - mouse position & click
+ space
Enjoy :-D !!!

Gibberish Emulator
SuperMegaFont Click
SuperMegaFont Console
SuperMegaFont Console Absolute

Now for the boring-er part of the process (to me anyways), I also finalized the pixel stuff ! I had 3 apps left, there they are, in order of completion :

Crazy Racetrack is derived from the Zorg concept (that I never finalized :-S ... for now anyways !). It's very basic and it's cool. And mouse-reactive (for the colour), too. It's the only pixel-based app that I didn't start from scratch today.
Space Skull (what a cool name, I KNOW !) is mostly ripped off from that tutorial. Nonetheless, still pretty cool (I think). Pic is Art from last year. Top right corner is zoomed in, bottom left corner is zoomed out.
And finally, last one of today, Mostly Red is a half-arsed half-app based on bits & pieces of this tutorial, this time. I'm sorry, it's just that I like 2 do my own stuff. My OWN stuff ! Not just get shit from images other people created and off U go. IDK I guess if I had spent more time on that last topic I'd have enjoyed it more ... now we'll never know ! Or maybe later ... Anyways the pic is Art from last year also and U can move mouse around + click.

Controls :
Crazy Racetrack - mouse move
Space Skull - mouse move (top right + /// bottom left -)
Mostly Red - mouse move & click

Enjoy (maybe not, this time lol) !

Crazy Racetrack
Space Skull
Mostly Red

Now I'll make a new index post and that's pretty much the end of this blog ... for now !
I hoped you enjoyed it (who the hell have I been talking 2 this whole time anyway !??? ... Hello ? HELLOOO ??? lol), if U C room 4 improvement anywhere let me know, every comment will be considered ... if I got any that is.

So ciao 4 now , bai !

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