Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Final Index

Hello people !
So I made it ! 28 applications (actually, 34, to be precise lol) as of 4 per 7 category, DUE TOMORROW !
I'm pretty proud of that timing :-D !
So there's a summary of the stuff I'll be handing in.
No nu apps here, just old stuff so you can see what goes where.

01- Digital drawings
-Refer06 --- Early Script Database
-PrettySquares --- Grid 01
-PrettySquares1on3 --- Tick-Tack-Toe
-PrettySquares2of3 --- Grid 02
+PrettySquares3of3 --- SuperFont Letters/Font
+PrettySquares81_int --- SuperFont/My Baby
+Step2_86_6_database13 --- SuperMegaFont Database

02- Mouse-Reactives
-SI_BasicProj_02 --- Basic Tracer
-SI_BasicProj_02_ --- Refresh
-My3Dfun_09 --- 3D Box
+SI_BasicProj_02_Colour_Genders --- Nature

03- Animated Drawings
-AlienStock_RndmClr --- Random Colours
-SuperFont_03_Timer --- Random

04- Keyboard Interactions
-NewChatProject_Array_10 --- Chat Window v.1
-Step2_SuperMegaFont_43E --- Fix 2/Chat Window v.2.2
-ZorgTrial_11 --- Helipad

05- Random Images
-RandomSMF_12 --- Gibberish Emulator
-RandomSMFclick_03_KRAZY --- SuperMegaFont Click

06- Multiple Objects
-Chat01_class_database_superFont --- Variables
-Chat01_class_database_intFail01 --- NoWigglez
-RandomSMF_XL_ABS_06 --- Console Absolute
+RandomSMF_XL_10 --- Console

07- Pixels
-_3DimageHack_08 --- Space Skull
-CheapMagnigyinGlass_02 --- Mostly Red

So yeah ... that's it ! 11 weeks worth of (more or less) hard work !
All in all I really liked this module.
Around the middle of it I was actually considering studying codes 4 real and getting into scripting.
But then I kind of fell out of motivation as my free time was on the fall.
I made it but you'd notice the gap in submission where I took a "break".
Codes are really fun but they do get on your (well, "my") nerves and they require constant update, there's so much out there and it's an evergrowing database.
I'll take a break for now and probably will get back into it next year.
Until then, I got no idea of what to do with that blog ...
I'll probably leave it ...
For now ;-) !

Until then, bye dear reader ... whoever you are.

week 11, Work 2 (19)

Heya !
There's the last apps !
What I did basically today is fix this app I started yesterday but that wouldn't work (was a stupidly insignificant detail, of course ... ) & then expanded it into 3 other apps, bringing the total to 4 for today for now.
After I got that lot out of the way, I moved on 2 the pixel stuff that use imported bitmaps ... but that comes l8er !

Gibberish Emulator is the basic app, it displays 99 random fonts from the SuperMegaFont database (141 usable symbols) on a 10*10 characters matrix. Random colours, too, U should try it, lots of fun :-D !
Random SuperMegaFont Click uses the same database, characters and random colour generating code BUT the stuff follows your mouse. Not what I intended 2 do but fun nevertheless lol
SuperMegaFont Console is the same as the basic app BUT like 16 of them (4*4) at once ! Andrew (tutor) suggested that, I thought Y not. So (logically) it displays 1599 characters rather than just 99. The colour generating is different, gives you a nice gradient :-). Andrew suggested that the colour of the BG B black as well. Gives it a retro/DOS feel, it's actually pretty cool :-P
And last but not least, SuperMegaFont Console Absolute is the same BUT it uses the dabases of both SuperMegaFont & SuperFont, so 222 characters in total ! Also you can change the colour of the background. I'm pretty proud of it :-D !

Controls :
Gibberish Emulator - mouse click
Random SuperMegafont Click - mouse move & click
SuperMegaFont Console - mouse click
SuperMegaFont Console Absolute - mouse position & click
+ space
Enjoy :-D !!!

Gibberish Emulator
SuperMegaFont Click
SuperMegaFont Console
SuperMegaFont Console Absolute

Now for the boring-er part of the process (to me anyways), I also finalized the pixel stuff ! I had 3 apps left, there they are, in order of completion :

Crazy Racetrack is derived from the Zorg concept (that I never finalized :-S ... for now anyways !). It's very basic and it's cool. And mouse-reactive (for the colour), too. It's the only pixel-based app that I didn't start from scratch today.
Space Skull (what a cool name, I KNOW !) is mostly ripped off from that tutorial. Nonetheless, still pretty cool (I think). Pic is Art from last year. Top right corner is zoomed in, bottom left corner is zoomed out.
And finally, last one of today, Mostly Red is a half-arsed half-app based on bits & pieces of this tutorial, this time. I'm sorry, it's just that I like 2 do my own stuff. My OWN stuff ! Not just get shit from images other people created and off U go. IDK I guess if I had spent more time on that last topic I'd have enjoyed it more ... now we'll never know ! Or maybe later ... Anyways the pic is Art from last year also and U can move mouse around + click.

Controls :
Crazy Racetrack - mouse move
Space Skull - mouse move (top right + /// bottom left -)
Mostly Red - mouse move & click

Enjoy (maybe not, this time lol) !

Crazy Racetrack
Space Skull
Mostly Red

Now I'll make a new index post and that's pretty much the end of this blog ... for now !
I hoped you enjoyed it (who the hell have I been talking 2 this whole time anyway !??? ... Hello ? HELLOOO ??? lol), if U C room 4 improvement anywhere let me know, every comment will be considered ... if I got any that is.

So ciao 4 now , bai !

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

week 11, Work 1 (18)

Hello hello hello !
This week is submission week so it's time to, well, get the shit ready basically.
I figured out I'm missing 7 apps to complete the 28 apps/topics goal, so I got 'till friday to fill this gap.
Today I fixed (once & 4 all lol) SuperMegaFont & I worked on 2 of those 7 missing apps, of which I finished 1 only (the fuckin' code won't work on the other 1, more on this 2moro), there goes :

SuperMegaFont fix 2
Useless Ball FuckUp

6 apps to go ...
TTYl8erz !

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

week 9, Work 1 (17)

Yo !
There's a new app.
Just messing about w/ cursors really ...

A, C, H, M, T, W, 1 & 2 toggle the different cursors.
They all draw in a different colour (2 does work, it draws in white).
SPACE resets everything.

And NO you can't get rid of the letters at the bottom !
Because I say so ...

Click the image for app.


Monday, 1 March 2010

Week 8, Work 1 (16)

Heya !
Guess what, I'm back from the dead !
As far as Processing is concerned, that is.
I'm back on the 3D business.
There's what I came up with today :


I called it "Helipad" 'cause it looks like 1, it's not what it was originally intended 2 B.
That U'll find out soon (hopefully).

Controls :
UP >>> go upwards
DOWN >>> go downwards
LEFT >>> to towards the left
RIGHT >>> go towards the right
Q >>> go further into the picture
A >>> go away from the pad
SPACE >>> reset

You can't rotate in there ... yet. Just so U know.

That's all for now.
Ciaoies !

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Slacking off ...

Hey there !
Been a long time.
Like ... about 2 weeks.
A lot especially if you consider I used 2 post 5 new apps/week.
Well ... I'm NOT slacking off.
Just been busy lately.
There's work to do in the modules and deadlines approaching so I'm putting more work into those than into Processing.
But the wind will turn.
Althou I have to admit it kind of lost its magic. I might have bitten a bit more than I can chew with this 3D stuff ...
But I'll get it finished.
So take that post as a sort of update.
I'm focusing on other stuff for now but I'll be back on Processing soon enough, just need 2 get my head around it.
So yeah.

Don't despair !

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

week 5, Work 1 (15)

Yow !
Today : 1st app in 3D !
Controls :

CTRL + drag mouse >>> Zoom in/out
SHIFT + drag mouse >>> Rotate
ALT + drag mouse >>> Translate
SPACE >>> Reset

It's a bit approximative but it works ... kinda.
Enjoy !

3D Box

Bainao !

Monday, 8 February 2010

Weekend's homework

Heya !
Here's a post on the past week-end's achievements ...
I was supposed to read stuff for the Essay, I didn't get that far ...

I came across that image and thought it was hilarious so I did me own version of it.
And thought I'd post it on here so that it looks a bit more like "My Blog" and a bit less like "The blog I'm doing for Uni 'cause I have to".
It's unrelated to Processing, in case you were wondering.

Concerning my opinion of the 2 Artists, Eminem is Gold.
As 4 Lady Caca (I'm pretty sure that's how U spell it ?), I think she's an insult rather than a joke of bad taste and in my opinion she deserves to die in a slow and painful way like in the old days when torture was no joking matter and that the Church still had the last word (I'm not for the Church, fuck the Church, it's just part of the scenery).
Oh, and Rihanna along w/ her.
I could go on and on and on but I think that makes my opinion pretty clear :-D !

And yeah ...
No Application today, maybe tomorrow.
I'm working in 3D ATM, U'll hear from me as soon as I've managed 2 master that goddamn cam.

In the meantym, ciao !

Friday, 5 February 2010

SuperMegaFont fix

Hey !
Quick update.
See SMF is working alright except it's a bit of a pain 'cause of the weird keyboard shortcuts ...
So here's a fixed version :

SuperMegaFont fix

Same as the original one, except :

ENTER >>> skip line
BACKSPACE >>> delete character
TAB >>> go 1 line up

Should B more intuitive 2 use now.
Hope U enjoy, ciao !

Thursday, 4 February 2010

week 4, Work 3 (13)

Hello !
Today's the day : SuperMegaFont !
It's finished !!!
Oh how many times I doubted this day would ever come ...

Anyways, it's the same as SuperFont just I improved it.
I'm not gonna tell you too much, just read the readmefile, it's link from the "How it works" picture above.

It's all functional.
Now OK I could have improved it even more but I spent so much time on that thing I thought I'd leave it as it is for now.
If you see a way I could improve it or spot a bug please let me know and post it as a comment.
I mean ... I'm done w/ it for now but I might wanna go back 2 it l8er.
All I'm trying 2 say is I deserve a break lol

Here's some key combinations that work in the app that you might have not been aware of :

ALT+] >>> ‘
SHIFT+ALT+] >>> ’ (there's no ', so just use ’ instead)
ALT+[ >>> “
SHIFT+ALT+[ >>> ”
ALT+\ >>> «
SHIFT+ALT+\ >>> »
SHIFT+ALT+e >>> ‰

SHIFT+ALT+= >>> ±
ALT+3 >>> #
ALT+7 >>> ¶
SHIFT+ALT+8 >>> °
ALT+= >>> ≠
ALT+5 >>> ∞
ALT+x >>> ≈
ALT+v >>> √
ALT+, >>> ≤
ALT+. >>> ≥
ALT+g >>> ©
ALT+r >>> ®
ALT+t >>> †
ALT+y >>> ¥
ALT+/ >>> ÷
SHIFT+ALT+2 >>> ™

And for those who didn't figure out the image linked to the app, here it is :


Needless to say, enjoy :-D !

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Profile pic !

Profile pic !
I thought the default pic was rather ugly ... and boring ... and lifeless ...
So I made me 1 on Processing !
It took me way longer than I thought it would.
But there it is !

Processing file
.png image

And I also stole some code from there (I confess).
And yeah ...

Ciao !

Week 4, Work 1 (11)

Hellu hellu hellu !
Today, what I've been working on since the 2nd half of last week : my chatwindow v.2.
It's an update of the last post, basically.
For now I only have the fonts.
As you can see, there's a lot more than on the v.1.
I've included caps & stuff.
What I've got to do now is link everything together and ... basically make it work.
It I'm lucky I'll be done on thursday, so then I can move on to other stuff :-) !
Here's the updates database :

SuperMegaFont Database

Also, new logs ! Log 4 & Log 4.5.
Log 4.5 has more 2 do w/ my next project, which should involve 3D ... BIG stuff lol !

Oh, there's more !
While I was putting the new database together I was looking at a word document to help me.
Click here to download it (it's useless really but U know ... U never kno !).

That's all 4 2day.
Ciao :-) !

Friday, 29 January 2010

Pictures !

Hi !
I've just finished fixing the blog so it has pictures/icons.
'cause I thought it was useless and then I realized it would make it way less confusing.
So from now on every time I put a new app online it'll have a pic AS WELL as a link.

There ain't pix for EVERY SINGLE app I've put online up to date, just the major stuff (for when I posted several at once).
And yeah ... I hope it helps !
Ciao !

Thursday, 28 January 2010

week 3, Work 3 (10)

And yeah.
I hope U figure it out.
There it is :

Enjoy !!!
P.S.: "CIIID" was an attempt at a smiley ... I know !

Shit's getting confusing ...

I'm a bit concerned that applications might be a bit hard to find as my blog is such a mess.
So here's a list of all the applications that I've put online so far (more or less chonological order) :

Apps that interact w/ the mouse :

Databases (still) :

Variables & Objects :

ZOMG I've actually been uploading EXACTLY 7 apps/week so far ! 'cause I hadn't counted them ... funny ...

Anyways that's all the apps that are online up to this date.
I'll try to post something like that every 3 weeks. Or 4. IDK.
Anyways I hope U enjoy :-D !

week 3, Work 2 (09)

Yow !
Here's tuesday's work.
I know, I know, but I also needed to scan my notes in, which took me a while to do (the only scanners that work correctly are in the PC room on the 2nd floor ... ) so as I thought I'd put everything online at once, these applets have been completed for a while (since tuesday) but only get put online now ...

They're updates of the Random Alien application.
So now these aliens are animated BUT they don't get picked randomly anymore.
I'll have to work on that ... Arrays are ASSHOLES :-S !

Anyways here are 2 apps, 1 w/ animated aliens & 1 w/ animated aliens that also change colours, enjoy :-) !

Also, there's 2 new scanned logs : Log 3 & Log 3.5
Andrew wrote the page on the write on Log 3.5, in case you're wondering.
Also here's a video that kinda freaked me out (althou not that much 'cause my PC @ home bugs all the time so I get that all the time ... ) that was programmed on Processing, U should check it out :-D !

And yeah.
Might post again today.
Or tomorrow.
Or on monday.
If I don't, HAVE A GOOD WEEK-END :-D !

Monday, 25 January 2010

Week 3, Work 1 (08)

Hello hello hello !
Today : SUCCESS !
I got 4 uploads :-D
All of them more or less updates of one another.

SuperFont ABC is the same as SuperFont except it uses chars insteadda ints. What that means is to call "a" you enter "A" instead of, previously, "1".
SuperFont Timer is my 1st successful animation :-D !!! I'm so proud !
SuperFont Random types 6 randoms characters. Click it and it refreshes :-D
And last but not least, Random Aliens (by far my favourite so far :-D) displays 16 random characters from the good old Pretty Squares database.

Easy process to follow really, I updated SuperFont (which was actually useless 'cause the rest of them use the old variable-based database for the random function ... but anyway !), then I got back to my animated applet and completed it using a different process (a sort of timer rather than delay), then Andrew pointed out I should use the random function so I did it, and then I introduced my characters.
LOOOTS of fun, really :-D !

Next step : animate the little aliens :-) ...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Week 2, Work 4 (07)

Sooo yeah I wanted 2 do a chat window thingy, like I said yesterday.
But ... it don't work !
After a couple hours of investigation (read : "4 hours for total failure") I realized that I can really only do 1- STATIC images and 2- INTERACTIVE thingies on Processing for the moment.
I still ain't figured out how to work with a timeline like on Flash (i.e. how to make an ANIMATED program) and it bugs me ...
On the cool side I found a link to a French Processing tutorial website (yay, more reading ! ... ).

2day I also tried to toggle objects by pressing keys.
... I ain't quite there yet ...

Either way, lots of questions for Andrew on monday (objects confuse the crap outta me, I had a go at that stuff, too) :-D !

So I just typed a little text sample to test the font.
It works well (given that you take the time to imput all the data ...).
And then I got carried away and came up with ... THE SUPERFONT !
Which is 1 single object containing the data for the 26 letters of my alphabet.
I'm very proud of it !
It just spells my name in the example but U can make it spell anything really ... SKY'S THE LIMIT BABY !

OK I'm calm now, I'm calm ...
Here's the apps :

Just to prove that I'm well on my way into make my fonts, well, proper fonts.
I've changed them into objects too, and guess what ?
It didn't make my life easier.

Sooo I'm gonna go ahead and try to enjoy my week-end now.
If anybody needs me I'll be on Diablo II bashing stuff XD !

See yu on monday !

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Week 2, Work 3 (06)

Yo !
Here's 2day's work !
It's only 1 sketch and it's just over 100*100 pixels (yeah, tiny, but it's not the size ... seriously dude) BUT there's like 1000 lines of code in there *brag brag* sooo yeah, it DID take me the whole day to code (finish, actually) !
It's an update of the thingy w/ the alphabet from last post.
Only this time I filled the whole entire block ...

So what it is basically is 81 separate 10*10 characters using variables.
U can copy separate blocks of the code and re-use them in some other appilcation ... separately (do gimme credits thou, or I WILL get pissed).
U just need 2 figure out how 2 use variables (hintedy hint-hint : Processing , The Details, Steps 1 & 2 ... I'm being nice 2day but don't get used 2 it lol !).

K so here's the baby :

I came up w/ everything myself EXCEPT for the original Space Invaders, the System Icons & the 3 1st Misc. The stuff I got inspired by is hyperlinked.

Another goodie, my 2nd Log !
Not much in there but just in case it could B useful 2 sum1 ...

Well I'm really happy w/ the stuff I did today !
Next step will B 2 use all these symbols (especially the font !) pracically, I'll try 2 animate all that in a chat window-fashion. That's the plan. I'll C if I make it. We'll C 2moro.
And then get back 2 interactive stuff.
I've realized I ACTUALLY prefer simply drawing stuff now. Frustrating.
But I still enjoy using Processing (It's a damn stupid name thou ... it's like I'm gonna create a program and name it "Food" or "Eating", WTF !?) :-)

That's all 4 2day, ciao :-D !

Week 2, Work 2 (05)

Here's the work I did yesterday (so like in my free time ... kinda).
I stayed 'till the building closed so I didn't have time 2 put all that stuff online.
The 1st & 2nd one were done yesterday evening, the 3rd 1 not quite (the last character I finished was "2"), I finished it just now.
Interesting about that 3rd 1 is that it's using variables.
And U should 2 ! 'cause it will make Ur life easier !
Really will.
I'll complete the whole thing and put it online once I got the 81 spaces filled.
In the meantimes here are those 3 sketches (thus completing the work for week 1) :

Sketch for week 1 #2
Sketch for week 1 #3
Sketch for week 1 #4

Bai nao !

Monday, 18 January 2010

Week 2, Work 1 (04)

Back to Processing (after an especially unproductive week-end) !
I didn't get that much done today ...
Just fixed the aforementioned problem w/that application update, here it is :

And then I got started on more basic stuff.
'cause ... the stuff I've done so far ('xcept 4 "Refer") is animated.
And the animated stuff is for week 2.
So now that I'm done w/ the work 4 week 2, I got to catch up on the work for week 1 (stupid, I know ... ).
So here's the 1st 1 :

Sketch for week 1 #1

It's just a basic checkboard.
I shall draw stuff in there soon.
Very soon.
And yeah.

Peace out !

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Week 1, Work 3 (03)

And here's some new stuff from today !
I didn't do THAT much practical work actually.
I mostly read stuff from the website & took notes.

1st I tweaked the SI app (the 1 you can refresh) so the background changes colour depending on the position of your mouse when you click it.
U got 3 choices/colour variations :

I also had an even cooler 1 that had the little alien change colour too but 4 some reason the fucker won't work. I'll fix that ASAP (so you can tell me how cool it is indeed) ...

I also put online the last version of my Refer app.
It doesn't do anything & it's ugly.
What's interesting about it is its code.
Basically it's a database of more or less all the code I learned for Processing so far.
So you might wanna check it out.
I'll put an update of it every once in a while.

Refer v.6

Lastly, here's a screenshot of the notes I've been taking so far.
I know, unreadable, right ?
It's mainly for the SI alien drawing 'cause I'll be doing more of that stuff next week on mm paper.

Well, that's enough coding for me this week, see you on monday !

Week 1, Work 2 (02)

There's the 2nd wave of stuff.
Well actually it's an extension of my Space Invader thingy.
I completed them all yesterday but only thought of putting them online today.

This 1st 1 here refreshes when U click it.
This 2nd 1 here only prints an invader when you click it.

So that's that ...

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

New layout

I personalized the layout a little.
Just to make it more comfortable 2 work with.
The Space Invader theme came from my 1st success on Processing (C.F.: previous post) which was suggested by our tutor.
I ain't a big fan of the game itself.
Althou I do like the good old Tetris ...

Anyways, here's a screenshot for reference in the future (it's 2 big to be insered as an image) :
Layout 1

Week 1, Work 1 (01)

Yesterday's session, the 1st 1, wasn't so fruitful.
But today's was.
So I came up w/ that stuff :

I based it on that pic.
I'm messing around w/ functions I don't quite fully understand yet (it's call copy & paste) so I can't alter all the settings but I'm getting there :-)
Lucky I got a little BG on Flash's AS3, it help.

Introduction & Uni work

I created this blog a while ago, just to reserve the address.
I wasn't planning on uploading anything before a long while (I need 2 get my hardware up 2 date).
And then in our 2nd term's Principles of Interaction module we were required 2 upload all our work onto a blog.
So I thought I might as well use this already existing blog.

So the following posts will B Uni work ...
We're using Processing which is a cool but complicated program.

I wish to remain anonymous. Judge me by the quality of my work, not my background.
Just call me "Strange".
And yeah. That's it for now.