Thursday, 28 January 2010

week 3, Work 2 (09)

Yow !
Here's tuesday's work.
I know, I know, but I also needed to scan my notes in, which took me a while to do (the only scanners that work correctly are in the PC room on the 2nd floor ... ) so as I thought I'd put everything online at once, these applets have been completed for a while (since tuesday) but only get put online now ...

They're updates of the Random Alien application.
So now these aliens are animated BUT they don't get picked randomly anymore.
I'll have to work on that ... Arrays are ASSHOLES :-S !

Anyways here are 2 apps, 1 w/ animated aliens & 1 w/ animated aliens that also change colours, enjoy :-) !

Also, there's 2 new scanned logs : Log 3 & Log 3.5
Andrew wrote the page on the write on Log 3.5, in case you're wondering.
Also here's a video that kinda freaked me out (althou not that much 'cause my PC @ home bugs all the time so I get that all the time ... ) that was programmed on Processing, U should check it out :-D !

And yeah.
Might post again today.
Or tomorrow.
Or on monday.
If I don't, HAVE A GOOD WEEK-END :-D !

1 comment:

  1. Nice article.

