Thursday, 14 January 2010

Week 1, Work 3 (03)

And here's some new stuff from today !
I didn't do THAT much practical work actually.
I mostly read stuff from the website & took notes.

1st I tweaked the SI app (the 1 you can refresh) so the background changes colour depending on the position of your mouse when you click it.
U got 3 choices/colour variations :

I also had an even cooler 1 that had the little alien change colour too but 4 some reason the fucker won't work. I'll fix that ASAP (so you can tell me how cool it is indeed) ...

I also put online the last version of my Refer app.
It doesn't do anything & it's ugly.
What's interesting about it is its code.
Basically it's a database of more or less all the code I learned for Processing so far.
So you might wanna check it out.
I'll put an update of it every once in a while.

Refer v.6

Lastly, here's a screenshot of the notes I've been taking so far.
I know, unreadable, right ?
It's mainly for the SI alien drawing 'cause I'll be doing more of that stuff next week on mm paper.

Well, that's enough coding for me this week, see you on monday !

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