Wednesday 24 February 2010

Slacking off ...

Hey there !
Been a long time.
Like ... about 2 weeks.
A lot especially if you consider I used 2 post 5 new apps/week.
Well ... I'm NOT slacking off.
Just been busy lately.
There's work to do in the modules and deadlines approaching so I'm putting more work into those than into Processing.
But the wind will turn.
Althou I have to admit it kind of lost its magic. I might have bitten a bit more than I can chew with this 3D stuff ...
But I'll get it finished.
So take that post as a sort of update.
I'm focusing on other stuff for now but I'll be back on Processing soon enough, just need 2 get my head around it.
So yeah.

Don't despair !

Wednesday 10 February 2010

week 5, Work 1 (15)

Yow !
Today : 1st app in 3D !
Controls :

CTRL + drag mouse >>> Zoom in/out
SHIFT + drag mouse >>> Rotate
ALT + drag mouse >>> Translate
SPACE >>> Reset

It's a bit approximative but it works ... kinda.
Enjoy !

3D Box

Bainao !

Monday 8 February 2010

Weekend's homework

Heya !
Here's a post on the past week-end's achievements ...
I was supposed to read stuff for the Essay, I didn't get that far ...

I came across that image and thought it was hilarious so I did me own version of it.
And thought I'd post it on here so that it looks a bit more like "My Blog" and a bit less like "The blog I'm doing for Uni 'cause I have to".
It's unrelated to Processing, in case you were wondering.

Concerning my opinion of the 2 Artists, Eminem is Gold.
As 4 Lady Caca (I'm pretty sure that's how U spell it ?), I think she's an insult rather than a joke of bad taste and in my opinion she deserves to die in a slow and painful way like in the old days when torture was no joking matter and that the Church still had the last word (I'm not for the Church, fuck the Church, it's just part of the scenery).
Oh, and Rihanna along w/ her.
I could go on and on and on but I think that makes my opinion pretty clear :-D !

And yeah ...
No Application today, maybe tomorrow.
I'm working in 3D ATM, U'll hear from me as soon as I've managed 2 master that goddamn cam.

In the meantym, ciao !

Friday 5 February 2010

SuperMegaFont fix

Hey !
Quick update.
See SMF is working alright except it's a bit of a pain 'cause of the weird keyboard shortcuts ...
So here's a fixed version :

SuperMegaFont fix

Same as the original one, except :

ENTER >>> skip line
BACKSPACE >>> delete character
TAB >>> go 1 line up

Should B more intuitive 2 use now.
Hope U enjoy, ciao !

Thursday 4 February 2010

week 4, Work 3 (13)

Hello !
Today's the day : SuperMegaFont !
It's finished !!!
Oh how many times I doubted this day would ever come ...

Anyways, it's the same as SuperFont just I improved it.
I'm not gonna tell you too much, just read the readmefile, it's link from the "How it works" picture above.

It's all functional.
Now OK I could have improved it even more but I spent so much time on that thing I thought I'd leave it as it is for now.
If you see a way I could improve it or spot a bug please let me know and post it as a comment.
I mean ... I'm done w/ it for now but I might wanna go back 2 it l8er.
All I'm trying 2 say is I deserve a break lol

Here's some key combinations that work in the app that you might have not been aware of :

ALT+] >>> ‘
SHIFT+ALT+] >>> ’ (there's no ', so just use ’ instead)
ALT+[ >>> “
SHIFT+ALT+[ >>> ”
ALT+\ >>> «
SHIFT+ALT+\ >>> »
SHIFT+ALT+e >>> ‰

SHIFT+ALT+= >>> ±
ALT+3 >>> #
ALT+7 >>> ¶
SHIFT+ALT+8 >>> °
ALT+= >>> ≠
ALT+5 >>> ∞
ALT+x >>> ≈
ALT+v >>> √
ALT+, >>> ≤
ALT+. >>> ≥
ALT+g >>> ©
ALT+r >>> ®
ALT+t >>> †
ALT+y >>> ¥
ALT+/ >>> ÷
SHIFT+ALT+2 >>> ™

And for those who didn't figure out the image linked to the app, here it is :


Needless to say, enjoy :-D !

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Profile pic !

Profile pic !
I thought the default pic was rather ugly ... and boring ... and lifeless ...
So I made me 1 on Processing !
It took me way longer than I thought it would.
But there it is !

Processing file
.png image

And I also stole some code from there (I confess).
And yeah ...

Ciao !

Week 4, Work 1 (11)

Hellu hellu hellu !
Today, what I've been working on since the 2nd half of last week : my chatwindow v.2.
It's an update of the last post, basically.
For now I only have the fonts.
As you can see, there's a lot more than on the v.1.
I've included caps & stuff.
What I've got to do now is link everything together and ... basically make it work.
It I'm lucky I'll be done on thursday, so then I can move on to other stuff :-) !
Here's the updates database :

SuperMegaFont Database

Also, new logs ! Log 4 & Log 4.5.
Log 4.5 has more 2 do w/ my next project, which should involve 3D ... BIG stuff lol !

Oh, there's more !
While I was putting the new database together I was looking at a word document to help me.
Click here to download it (it's useless really but U know ... U never kno !).

That's all 4 2day.
Ciao :-) !