Tuesday 2 February 2010

Week 4, Work 1 (11)

Hellu hellu hellu !
Today, what I've been working on since the 2nd half of last week : my chatwindow v.2.
It's an update of the last post, basically.
For now I only have the fonts.
As you can see, there's a lot more than on the v.1.
I've included caps & stuff.
What I've got to do now is link everything together and ... basically make it work.
It I'm lucky I'll be done on thursday, so then I can move on to other stuff :-) !
Here's the updates database :

SuperMegaFont Database

Also, new logs ! Log 4 & Log 4.5.
Log 4.5 has more 2 do w/ my next project, which should involve 3D ... BIG stuff lol !

Oh, there's more !
While I was putting the new database together I was looking at a word document to help me.
Click here to download it (it's useless really but U know ... U never kno !).

That's all 4 2day.
Ciao :-) !

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