Thursday 4 February 2010

week 4, Work 3 (13)

Hello !
Today's the day : SuperMegaFont !
It's finished !!!
Oh how many times I doubted this day would ever come ...

Anyways, it's the same as SuperFont just I improved it.
I'm not gonna tell you too much, just read the readmefile, it's link from the "How it works" picture above.

It's all functional.
Now OK I could have improved it even more but I spent so much time on that thing I thought I'd leave it as it is for now.
If you see a way I could improve it or spot a bug please let me know and post it as a comment.
I mean ... I'm done w/ it for now but I might wanna go back 2 it l8er.
All I'm trying 2 say is I deserve a break lol

Here's some key combinations that work in the app that you might have not been aware of :

ALT+] >>> ‘
SHIFT+ALT+] >>> ’ (there's no ', so just use ’ instead)
ALT+[ >>> “
SHIFT+ALT+[ >>> ”
ALT+\ >>> «
SHIFT+ALT+\ >>> »
SHIFT+ALT+e >>> ‰

SHIFT+ALT+= >>> ±
ALT+3 >>> #
ALT+7 >>> ¶
SHIFT+ALT+8 >>> °
ALT+= >>> ≠
ALT+5 >>> ∞
ALT+x >>> ≈
ALT+v >>> √
ALT+, >>> ≤
ALT+. >>> ≥
ALT+g >>> ©
ALT+r >>> ®
ALT+t >>> †
ALT+y >>> ¥
ALT+/ >>> ÷
SHIFT+ALT+2 >>> ™

And for those who didn't figure out the image linked to the app, here it is :


Needless to say, enjoy :-D !

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