Monday 18 January 2010

Week 2, Work 1 (04)

Back to Processing (after an especially unproductive week-end) !
I didn't get that much done today ...
Just fixed the aforementioned problem w/that application update, here it is :

And then I got started on more basic stuff.
'cause ... the stuff I've done so far ('xcept 4 "Refer") is animated.
And the animated stuff is for week 2.
So now that I'm done w/ the work 4 week 2, I got to catch up on the work for week 1 (stupid, I know ... ).
So here's the 1st 1 :

Sketch for week 1 #1

It's just a basic checkboard.
I shall draw stuff in there soon.
Very soon.
And yeah.

Peace out !

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