Wednesday 20 January 2010

Week 2, Work 3 (06)

Yo !
Here's 2day's work !
It's only 1 sketch and it's just over 100*100 pixels (yeah, tiny, but it's not the size ... seriously dude) BUT there's like 1000 lines of code in there *brag brag* sooo yeah, it DID take me the whole day to code (finish, actually) !
It's an update of the thingy w/ the alphabet from last post.
Only this time I filled the whole entire block ...

So what it is basically is 81 separate 10*10 characters using variables.
U can copy separate blocks of the code and re-use them in some other appilcation ... separately (do gimme credits thou, or I WILL get pissed).
U just need 2 figure out how 2 use variables (hintedy hint-hint : Processing , The Details, Steps 1 & 2 ... I'm being nice 2day but don't get used 2 it lol !).

K so here's the baby :

I came up w/ everything myself EXCEPT for the original Space Invaders, the System Icons & the 3 1st Misc. The stuff I got inspired by is hyperlinked.

Another goodie, my 2nd Log !
Not much in there but just in case it could B useful 2 sum1 ...

Well I'm really happy w/ the stuff I did today !
Next step will B 2 use all these symbols (especially the font !) pracically, I'll try 2 animate all that in a chat window-fashion. That's the plan. I'll C if I make it. We'll C 2moro.
And then get back 2 interactive stuff.
I've realized I ACTUALLY prefer simply drawing stuff now. Frustrating.
But I still enjoy using Processing (It's a damn stupid name thou ... it's like I'm gonna create a program and name it "Food" or "Eating", WTF !?) :-)

That's all 4 2day, ciao :-D !

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