Monday 25 January 2010

Week 3, Work 1 (08)

Hello hello hello !
Today : SUCCESS !
I got 4 uploads :-D
All of them more or less updates of one another.

SuperFont ABC is the same as SuperFont except it uses chars insteadda ints. What that means is to call "a" you enter "A" instead of, previously, "1".
SuperFont Timer is my 1st successful animation :-D !!! I'm so proud !
SuperFont Random types 6 randoms characters. Click it and it refreshes :-D
And last but not least, Random Aliens (by far my favourite so far :-D) displays 16 random characters from the good old Pretty Squares database.

Easy process to follow really, I updated SuperFont (which was actually useless 'cause the rest of them use the old variable-based database for the random function ... but anyway !), then I got back to my animated applet and completed it using a different process (a sort of timer rather than delay), then Andrew pointed out I should use the random function so I did it, and then I introduced my characters.
LOOOTS of fun, really :-D !

Next step : animate the little aliens :-) ...

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