Wednesday 20 January 2010

Week 2, Work 2 (05)

Here's the work I did yesterday (so like in my free time ... kinda).
I stayed 'till the building closed so I didn't have time 2 put all that stuff online.
The 1st & 2nd one were done yesterday evening, the 3rd 1 not quite (the last character I finished was "2"), I finished it just now.
Interesting about that 3rd 1 is that it's using variables.
And U should 2 ! 'cause it will make Ur life easier !
Really will.
I'll complete the whole thing and put it online once I got the 81 spaces filled.
In the meantimes here are those 3 sketches (thus completing the work for week 1) :

Sketch for week 1 #2
Sketch for week 1 #3
Sketch for week 1 #4

Bai nao !

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